Right to Information

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Right to Information

Point No. I

a. Functions

According to Section 24 of the Warehousing Corporations Act, 1962, the following are the functions of the State Warehousing Corporation:
i)          To acquire land and build godowns at suitable places within the State for providing storage facilities.
ii)         To arrange facilities for transportation of the produce to the Warehouses and from Warehouses to other places.
iii)        To act as an agent of the Central Warehousing Corporation or State Government for the purpose of  purchase, sale, storage and distribution of agricultural produce, seeds, manures, fertilizers and other notified commodities.
     During the past four and a half decades, Warehousing has undergone many changes.  With the implementation of Public Distribution Scheme by the Central and State Governments, setting up of procurement agencies under Public Sector like Food Corporation of India, Civil Supplies Corporation and price support, new dimensions are added to the Warehousing. Bulk of the food grains mostly consisting of rice procured from the farmers at support prices through millers are stored in warehouses.  The stocks stored are released under the Public Distribution Scheme. Thus, the farmers are getting indirect benefit from Warehousing. Storage facilities are also available for food grains,   commercial crops, agricultural inputs like fertilizers etc.
                  Presently the Authorized Share Capital of Telangana State Warehousing Corporation is  _________ Crores.  As on date, the issued and subscribed share capital stood at Rs. ________ lakhs and Rs.________ lakhs respectively equally subscribed by the State Government and Central Warehousing Corporation. The Corporation is not in receipt of Share  Capital    from both the Share holders from 1994-95 onwards
                    The Corporation is playing an important role in the State by providing substantial storage space for storage of rice and other commodities meant for the Public Distribution System.  Besides farmers and traders, storage facilities are being availed of by Fertilizers’ manufacturers, Cooperative Apex Bodies, Government undertakings, Government Departments etc.
         Further it is to add the corporation is meeting average occupancy for the last 3 years is 100 %. Thus it has provided storage facilities for various depositors including Government Agencies.
                     To encourage the farmers to avail the Warehousing facilities offered by the Corporation a rebate of 35% on storage charges is being allowed and also 10% of the storage space available in the godowns is specifically earmarked for their use by way of Warehouse Receipts